More DNA progress

From: Michael Cooley <>
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2016 16:56:55 -0800

John Cleary, who has been a great help with the Big Y DNA results, has
informed me about a Mann tester. This is valuable as the large YP4248
block has been broken up:

Don and I are listed in the middle, bottom. All the SNPs, above and
including the YP4491 block, belong to us. But those above YP4491 were
previously one block. Two tests have changed that. The Berge test all the
way to the left suggests that YP4252 is older than the others and has
Norwegian origins. The Mann results split the super block at YP3639. In
other words, we are now YP355 > YP609 > YP4248 > YP3936 > YP4491.

Why does it matter? The more granular the results are, the better they can
be sorted into a eras and the closer we can come up with dates. And the
more names we can attribute to those dates, the better we can start
discovering places. Will all the surnames associated with YP4248 Scottish
and all the surnames associated with YP3936 English? Well, it won't be
that cut and dry, but eventually we will have an idea as to when our
Cooleys (or whatever the name was) moved out of Scotland.

My mantra should be "Clear as mud?"


- Administrator or Co-Administrator for the following family DNA projects:
Akins, Ashenhurst, Bishop, Eldridge, Fisk, alt-McDowell, Cooley,
McDougall, Pickens, Strother - B.A. Humboldt State University, History,
2013 - Instructor, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at HSU
Received on Sun Feb 07 2016 - 18:56:56 CST

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